Let me explain each prompt a little, so it's easier for new photo-takers:
1. Morning
Take a photo of anything from your morning; you in bed, breakfast, commuting to work, anything!
2. Empty
Take a photo of anything empty; an empty room, glass, bottle, sky, beach, anything!
3. On your plate
What's on your plate? That could mean - what's on your to-do list today? Or literally what's on your breakfast/lunch/dinner plate?
4. Close-up
Take a photo of something close-up; your eye, the grass, a toy ... absolutely anything!
5. Sign
Take a photo of a street sign, a shop sign, someone doing sign language, any sign!
6. Hat
Take a photo of you wearing a hat, someone else wearing a hat, a hat in a shop - and yes those in cooler months - beanies count!
7. Drink
Take a photo of a drink, a beverage etc
8. 6 o'clock
Take a photo of what you're doing at either 6am or 6pm. Or take a photo of the clock at that time.
9. Your view today
What's your view today? What can you see? Snap it. Share it!
10. Best bit of your weekend
What was the best bit about your weekend? Take a photo of it.
11. Door
Take a photo of a door, big or small.
12. From a low angle
Get down low and shoot.
13. Art
Take a photo of a piece of art you have displayed in your home, you've created or you see while out. Any art will do!
14. Time
Take a photo of time; a clock, a watch, before and after - anything that symbolises time!
15. Yellow
Take a photo of anything yellow - the sun, or something you see!
16. Out and about
Get out and about today and take a photo of what you do.
17. In your bag
What's in your bag? Share it.
18. Something we don't know about you
Can you twist your tongue? Did you get a diploma in something? Do you love Justin Bieber bad? Share something that we might not know about you
19. Imperfect
Share something imperfect. Is it you? A broken glass? An irregular shape. Something!
20. Fave photo you've ever taken
Re-share a favourite photo that you've taken over time or shoot a new favourite!
21. Where you slept
Where did you sleep last night? Take a photo and share it.
22. From a high angle
Shoot your photo from a high angle looking down.
23. Movement
Take a photo of movement; a car flying by, a person dancing, someone jumping - anything!
24. On your mind
What are you thinking about? The news? Your family? Yourself? Share what's on your mind.
25. Something cute
Did you spot something cute? An animal? A person? A thing?
26. Where you shop
Do you shop online? Or in a store? Share where you shop.
27. Bathroom
Share a bathroom - yours, a public one, a friends - can even just be the door.
28. On the shelf
Shoot a shelf and what's on it.
29. Soft
What's soft? Is it your hair, a toy, a sofa, or something else?
30. A friend
Take a snap of a friend and share it.
さっそく Day 10!
Best Bit Of Your Weekend!